This kit is the Rolls-Royce of brain entrainment devices. It delivers superb audio and visual quality, using binaural beats, mood music and flickering light (photo-following) technology, to reduce your brainwaves down to calming, soothing and healing alpha and theta frequencies.
The are several groups of entrainment materials:

The are several groups of entrainment materials:

Dr. Keith Tracks

We have chosen this device for its excellent build quality, the fact you don’t have to buy tracks for an additional cost and it will accept my acclaimed “creative mind walks”, such as Journey to Atlantis, Tour of The Universe, Visit to Avalon and Contact with Gaia.

It’s a simple device to manage your tracks with; you just hook it up to your computer (USB) and treat the Kasina like an external hard drive or jump drive. Load and unload as many tracks as you like. Use your own MP3s!

It even comes with software, to create your own moods and tracks.

As I said, the Rolls-Royce in this line of equipment. Yet very reasonable.

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