Natural Ways to Avoid the Dangers of Blood Clots

The medical term is deep vein thrombosis (DVT) but most people know them as blood clots – the danger can be deadly and most people don’t think about them until they’re facing a life-threatening Blood clots are usually located in the arms, legs, or groin area.  What makes a DVT so dangerous is that things… Continue reading Natural Ways to Avoid the Dangers of Blood Clots

Using Acupuncture for Chronic Pain Relief

Chronic pain is the bane of modern mankind.  Physical trauma, habitual overwork, lack of adequate sleep, poor diet, and terrible stress create the perfect cocktail for all sorts of aches and twinges to take root and not shake loose.  Finding natural chronic pain relief is imperative because the drugs only work for so long (and… Continue reading Using Acupuncture for Chronic Pain Relief

Types of Headaches and How to Ease the Pain Naturally

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 50% of the adult population globally has experienced a headache within the last year.  Between 2-4% experience headaches 15 or more days every month.  It’s one of the most common conditions experienced by your nervous system and can derail your life depending on what type of headache you… Continue reading Types of Headaches and How to Ease the Pain Naturally

Natural Pain Relief for the Most Correctable Cause

If you suffer from chronic pain, you can become desperate to ease it.  Finding safe, effective, and natural pain relief is crucial to daily functioning and quality of life. Don’t give up because there is hope! Over my almost four decades of helping patients, I’ve seen many causes of chronic pain.  Some patients have been… Continue reading Natural Pain Relief for the Most Correctable Cause

Natural Remedies for Sciatic Nerve Pain

Old man holding back because of lumbago

One of the biggest nerves found in your body is the sciatic nerve. It runs from your lower spine, to your feet, crossing over the buttock. It generates the feeling in your legs and provides both movement and strength. If you suffer from sciatic nerve pain (sciatica), you know there are few things as disruptive… Continue reading Natural Remedies for Sciatic Nerve Pain

Cold Laser Therapy for Pain – The Future of Pain Relief

Using cold laser therapy for pain sounds like something out of science fiction! You might be shocked to know it has been used successfully to treat chronic pain and heal wounds for the past decade. It isn’t “new” science, however. In the past forty years, there have been more than 2,500 studies done on the… Continue reading Cold Laser Therapy for Pain – The Future of Pain Relief

The Ultimate Guide to Natural Pain Relief

Pain is the King of symptoms; it demands respect and can be cruel when ignored. It erodes the quality of life, demoralizes the patient and causes a horribly negative emotional response. Those in chronic pain are particularly miserable, because they know it will be back again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next… But… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Natural Pain Relief